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broken like shattered glass,

i can still love u with all the lil pieces .

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Hello safuraa punyaa reader's ,,
today ,, at school ,, safuraa stress sungguh ,,
ttng She and He ,,
Safuraa wondering ,, why must She look for me at thiss time ?
why not on THAT DAY when he FIRST lepaskn safuraa ? why ? why now ?
She said ,, smlm mlm till now crying ,,
but ? for me ? didnt She know anything abt me ? i'm sure of it ,,
I know She iis not AWARE of what happend di sebaliik kesenyuman safuraa ,,

If She wanna know ,, mayb ?
After he left me ,, my life getting better ,, but ,, sebenarnyer ape ?
HANCUR & Impian safuraa selame niq TIDAK TERcapai ,,
isnt it sad ? i'm totally out of control ,,
but i tell myself ,, try calming urself ,, mengucap byk byk ,,
berdoa sebyk mungkin ,, insyallah everything will b alrite ,,
the more safuraa do'a ,, the more i kept crying and rase so so berdose ,,
why GOD keep testing me untill this level of cabaran ?

I've been crying missing safuraa nyer Arwah Ibu ,,
because ,, safuraa miss her ,, and if she could b here for safuraa ,,
mayb safuraa mampu untuk lalui semua ni ,, bcoz ?
bcoz ,, she give me encouragement that no one can give the way she give to me ,,
i hope and hope that SHE would always wiif me where'ever i go ,,
and after she left 12-11 years ,,
i kept having problem here and there ,, family problem ,,
friends problem ,, relationship problem ,,
what iis thiis ? i so so dont understand ,,

i'm the one who cry the most ,, [ SHE ]
i'm sorri to say ,, but i've been Hurt by my X Lovers ,, and one of them ,,
is YOU ;;
Why ?! why ?! why ?
didnt euu have Heart to felt it that hurt of mine ?

see this pic above ?
i'm sure my eyes are red ,,
i've been crying bcoz of euu when i was wiif euu ,,
u've been hurting me SO much ,,

i've been Missing and feeling guilty towards euu too ,,
my X ,, what i've done to euu on that day ,, i REFLECT back ,,
euu think i didnt REFLECT back ?
i did tauu ,, sometimes safuraa also rase DOSE tauu ,,
and the next day ,, euu should realised ,, i want to apologise for what i've done to euu ,,
but ,,  sometimes ,, euu just say ,, " ohkay ,, takper ,, i maafkn euu ,, "
but ur face looks like Maaf tanpa IKHLAS ,,
& can euu xplain that ?

I Never Told You

and on the  ,, 

5 APRIL 2010 ,,
everything was MESS UP ,,
euu kept saying ,, " eyk jgn blg diye tau ,, jgn blg diye "
tought euu just playing try to PRANK me or what ,,
guess what i get from euu Rahman ?
contact perempuan sane sini ,, and suddenly ,,
i saw this name ;;
Bby Su [ i didnt wan say the full name , cause i know ltr tat girl paiseyh  ,, ]
and Whats into that msg ?!
awww ,, syg syg ,,
if euu are planning to hurt me on that day ,,
eue have been SUCCESSFUL hurting me ,,
Thank euu ,,

From my Heart deep inside ,,

and euu xplain to me ,, why euu did thiis to me ,,
and what is the reason the sebalik ni semua ,,
and now ? we r noth ,,
Friend ? Best Friend ? Special Friend ?
we r not ,, bcos euu have hurt me ,, and mayb euu gave to me just [A]
i'm not gonna answer the Question that SomeONE have given me ,,
i'm gonna stay there and shut up for  the rest of the questions ,,
dont say euu TOO CURIOUS to know the answer ,, 

i'm gonna Keep to My-Self ,,
i'm sorri to SHE & YOU ,,
( Burst into TEARS )

Meraung NewBoys [ Normaly your Fav songg ]


Monday, June 28, 2010

hello safuraa nyer blogg reader's ^^
todayy ,, 7.oo+ meet lyndaa at tmpt biaser ,,
went to school mcm biaser ,,
saw Masleena ,, Kiki ,, Noi & Syahira ,,
mcm biaser laa ,, dh lame tk nmpk ,, kyter pon JIAKON ,,
so after the KECOYH ,, safuraa nark duduk and assemble ,,
when safuraa was walkiingg ,, safuraa look kat ex-bofie jap ,,
(to b truth ,, i miss his face ,, so safuraa tgk)
and he Look back at safuraa ,, and safuraa paiseyh ,, safuraa look at other place ,,
and safuraa was looking for Eng Newspaper for silent reading later ,,
and safuraa look diye skejap den den safuraa dont know he look back ke tak ,,
and safuraa kept talking to my friends and firasat saying and feeling tat he watching me ,,
from FAR ,,
and i ignored that firasat ,, cause safuraa know all that cant b true ,
safuraa ONLY gt this blogger to xpress my feelings to Him or to anyone too ,,
safuraa by talking will make things more harder ,,
so safuraa write here ,, the ONE and ONLY blogg furaa nark xpress ,,
Dear ,, my Ex -
i Cry bcos i Miss euu ,, i Cry bcos eu've GONE from my life ,, i Cry bcos eu've Changed Alot ,,
i Cry bcos euu turn my Life upside down again and went through the path that leads me to
[(Lonliness)] agaiin ,, i Cry bcos euu Change everything that had been happend all this while ,,
i Cry bcos euu've BREAK eu promises ,, i Cry bcos i always remember ur Smile towards me ,, i Cry bcos of Everything abt euu ,, & lastly ,, i CRY bcos i cant b wiif euu anymore Rahman ,,
i will ONCE let euu go went someone will take care of euu so CAREFULLY ,, bcos to me euu are
like PERMATE ,, once break ,, is break ,,
i've been always Dream abt euu Bads & Goods once ,,
everytime get a Dream abt euu ,, i CRY ,, why ?
i'm sure euu know the answer ,,
the more i forget abt euu ,, the more Miss keep coming towards me ,, why ?
i'm sorry ,, just xpressing my feeling that always kept disturbing me all the time :'(
dont bothered abt me anymore keas ? i'm fine wif it ,,
have a good time kea ,, ^^ :(
Aq HARUS relakan kau ,, walau aq tak mahu ,,

if euu are free do listen this song ,,

can i Forget euu Bby ?


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

hello safuraa reader's ,,
quiet LOONNG isn't it i didnt update the lastest news or ceriter ?
now ,, is the time ,,

around JUNE holiday ,, i went to Perlis ,, den KL ,, den JB ?
omg ,, the trip going to Perlis so tat loongg ,,
before going to Perlis ,, we ride our ownself transport till JB Univercity parking ,,
we park our cars ,, and abord the bus going to Perlis ,,
so MANY MANY things happend in the BUS ,, jokes around ,,
Laugh around ,, kecohh around too ! and Share around thier thoughts and things they bought from ,,
Masjid India ,, and Padang Besar ^^
alot of things they bought and my parents bought ,, my father bought baju's for my abg's
(branded plak tu ^.- )
my mum ,, bought for my adeq ,, baju ,, bought for me and bibik ,, Seluar panjang ,, ( name ta seluar
heheheheheh !!
its so long trip to Perlis ,, we went back to KL ,,
the trip going back to KL ,, is also so Loong ,, and safuraa sempat terbyg byg wajah diye ,,
fikir dan teringt kenangan balek ttg rahman ,,
some said ,, safuraa ppm bdh ,, some said ,, safura bkn ppm bdh ,,
knper safuraa maseyh sygkn org yg sudah menyakitkn hati safuraa ? persoalan ini tetap main di
minda safuraa hingga kini ,,
even ,, safuraa dlm bus cant stop terfikir-fikir ttg rahman ,, knper plak niq ?
hati saying ( daa laa safuraa ,, kaw harus kuat ,, kaw harus terime dugaan ini ,, diye dh lupekn kaw ,,
diye dh ade pengganti kaw ,, ape kaw nk buat skrg ? menangis untuk diye lagyk ? suda suda ,, lap tangisanmu safuraa ,, ) tpi ,, mate ttp mengalir airmate ,
Ya Tuhan ,, ape harus aq lakukan .. walau setahun pon ,, aq tk dpt untuk melupekan diye .. apakah ,,
ini slh aq ? apakah slh aq tidak menjage diye dgn betol ? its just HIM have the answer ,,
after the long trip dah sampai pon kt KL HOTEL ,,
sty one night at the hotel ^^ woooooo ! COOL sungguh !
the MAK CIK'S MAK CIK'S has been 2 and half days ketawe without stopping ,,
alaaa ,, mak cik ,, dh biase kn kn kn ? ^^
after going to KL ,, the next day alek JB Univercity and get back our cars and balek ,, CHIAU !
iss soooo tiringg day !!
JUNE HOLIDAY niq tk baper bored sgt ,, cause byk kuar masok kuar masok rumah ^^
yesterday  [21.06.10]
My bro and i send cik mai (mak cik) anak to the PASIR RIS ,,
he got camp thr ,,
having him around so FUN ,,
reach pasir ris ,, we went to macDONALS to eat HOTPANCAKES ! burger ,, sausage huhuhu *
aftr eating ,, send him ,, dudok skejap and went home wiff my bro ,,
such a FUN trip ^^ baru laa dpt rase kuar rumah ^^
okea ,, coming soon ,, [ 27.06.10 ] going to swimming ,,
wait till the news OUT !
bubye ! have a Nice Dayy ^^

can I Forget euu Baby ?


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

hello Safuraa nye reader's ,
Niariiee perangai satu satu mmg ,
especially , bdk yg aq nark masod kan ,
this Dok 1 niq dh buat aq bingits smlm ,
Dok 2 tark admit yg diyee buat semua tuu ,
Dok 2 ckp yg Dok 1 yg buat , haishh , WTFiish ,
yeayea , rather den anything ,
They didnt admit , and i straight away pergy kt Dok 2 and sayy ,
if euu dont liike me , jusst say it .
i was liike what the ____ . stop makiing thiings mess up ,
safuraa didnt Disturb euu , why must euu disturd me ? not logiik kan ?
haiyaaa -.- i tought of not entertain them , but they make me entertain them , -.-
please can ? mature sikit ? -.- dh sec bape Doks ? hmmmm ..
(This msg for Dok1 and Dok2 )

Todayy , mcm (BEEP!) uhs ,
feeliing liike CS but kesiann tgk kwn ,
tpi safuraa nk CS pasal Teman - teman safuraa nye attit and behave ,
mcm cannot thn anymore , teman yg aq percaye jdik giniq ,
okeaa Safuraa gtg ! Bubye ! continuee latr ! (:

can i Forget euu bby ?


Ooooooohhhhooooooiiiii ! safuraa heree heree to tell euu a Story !
hello safuraa nyee reader's !
todayy its so complicated dayy , and someone buat safuraa nyer darah up ajek ,
ckp ajek yg kaw TAK NARK stay back dok .
for what SHOUTING at me dok , and get me and yourself embarassed in front of those 
Pioneerains nyer students . 
Kaw klaw nark cabot , why donnt euu cabot jusst now huh ? buat safuraa muak tgk ur face dok ;
euu know right M.Jana ask us to stay back today , and yet euu dont want to stay back , and
Euu BLAME on ME huh ? kaw " Ots " kaw kemane dok ?
Jangan pekik kat pompan mcm tdik kaw pekik kat aq , malu uhs sikits ,
Aq bingits and mrh kat kaw cause euu are in the WRONG dok , think uhs dok ,
kaw tak boleyh slhkan aq , cause euu know tat today we NEED to stay back and yet euu ask ,
who PAW at Jana we need to sty back ? ,    DOK dont act BLUR and COOL can ? -.-
Bukan aq nark buruk buruk kan kaw , but the way euu react and show urself to me is ;;
eyyy aq pon ade perasaan tau , jangan buat aq ginieq uhs , kaw mane tahu job as CC kan ,
aq mmg mrh kat kaw , tpi kali niq aq maafkn kaw ,
klaw kaw buat lagyk , aq rase .... tak yah nark sebot ,
btw , haty haty aje , mayb He Might Come to Euu and Look for Euu . 
(This msg its not for euu all , jusst for that DOK)


Skiip - USA ;; (Upper Sec Assem)
i was liike go go Mukkesh and Gappi , support them going up to the stage ,
the slide is abt BULLY , wow nice topic isn't it ? -.-
and abt 2.05+ we kuar dari School Hall , and went down to the Foyer ,
thr we sit and euu guess how manny ppl didnt turn up for school ?
29/38 COOL isn't it that number of Attendence ? -.-
The one who come todayy , get to go early and the one who nvr come todayy , they WILL ,
GET THE MOST PUNISHMENTS . jyeah ! ituu yg aq sukee tuu ,
tkper , 2morrow see whats gonna happend to them those who nvr come to school today ((:
M.Jana kasi kyter lps , 2morrow duduk tmpt biase , wait and see their punishments ;;
lps sty back dgn M.Jana ,
we gogo Gkph and macdonals buy water and eat ,
after gogo gkph , we go to Pasar Malam/Siang , kekeee eeehhh ! Noi beli air batu 80cent , haaa!
pon jadik laa diyee belii ,
darhh jln-jln , lynda ade plan ,
kyter jalan jalan bawa blk looking for [ L . I . P . A . S] to give them as a Shocking Suprised !
Haiizz , instead of diyeeorg kene , safuraa and aton yg dpt , i was liike , WTFiish ! our plan diyee
lupe ,
hmmm ,, baiik peh , sampai aton and myself naik naik naik tingkt , sampai tingkat 11 pekik
diyeeorg to confirm theyy gt tat lps or not ,
sms lynda , lynda sayy Sumpah no Lipas , and we decide to turon bawa ,
dh turon bawa , Nmpk noi , Lynda ketawe , cause abg Syak naik atas penat penat , sedeyh seyh ,
to abg syak ;; Soriie iyee ? laiin buat lagiik (: !
denden , aton and myself jalan towards noi , lynda and masleena ,
OOiii ! ~
i and aton saw LIPAS beside masleena nye kaki , the lipas was liike ALIVE ! alaamakk , i and aton larii ,
at Last , LailatulMunawara jgk yg kene dari lynda , eeeiiuuu LIPAS ! i tought the lipas was
hanging at my rambuts , denden , the lipas tertelentang kat tmpt duduk , haishh ,
but i have the fun day , [ i was so AWT for campak the lipas at me ] (:
okeaa , i gtg see euu again , and do read more UPDATED news !

Can i Forget euu Bby ?


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

hello safuraa nyerhh reader's ,
nowadays i start slowly getting to hate people ,
theyr are the ones who make me hate them , not ME
todayy storry sungguh sarcastic and so nark dikatekan (alamak? kecoyh ? )
todayy at school , tak happy sgt pasal ' Diye ' dtg skolaa , i was like ( haiyaaa , alamak !)
denden , start reading books wiif lynda , but we TALK eyys ,
skalii den , nmpk Rayni (Jepon) nark ambek Award , cheyhcheyh sukee laaa tuu , kyter pon ,
support Diaaa !! Go rayni Go ! wooohoooooo !!
denden , cikgu ( ntaah ? dont know whats her name ? ) ask to stop reading and pay attention to her ,
Giving Awards are start soon (:
kyter semua pay attentions and look to the Awardies that receive the award ;;
at last The one we are WAITING for , 3P1 Muhammad Rayni Suhaini naik kee pentas and get ,
his award heee ! kyter clap and cheer for him ! WOOHOOO !! denden dah ambek award semua ,
kyter semua pi class masing massing ,

;;SciencePeriodd ;;
Bagus , aq SENDIRI lagyk , sedeyh seyhh ,
kiki tark dtg bape harii , AKU MISS KAMU KIKI !! 
nark buatt mcm anee , jusst look forward and study hard for N - Level comiing Next year ,
den Aliim and Danial buat jokes , ketawe uhs , denden ,

PHOTO TAKING TIME ! eiish ! geyrekgeyrek !
tpi , aq langsunng tark tahuu nark buatt apee , i was liike " Eyy eyy lynda nark buatt ape eyy ?!"
Lynda sayy , " Buat paper yg kaw tahu ,, " aq belum ready diyee (cameraman) dah petik dulu , i was liike (Alamak !) denden , i jusst do any style -.- idk lawa ke tak nnti ((:
;;9 - 9.45pm;;
we gogo libraryy , tk bape geyrek , jusst went thr and looking thr ,
looking heree , aiyaaa ?

;;Mother Tongue;;
mother tongue ask Jaz something abt what "He" said to him , aq dgr carefully , eiish , telinge panas
ajee , tkper sabar ,
i should keep to myself abt anything tat happend to me , i regret actually ): i wont do it agaiin , 
i was worrying abt Jaz , he wear some kind of rantai , i was scared , i tought telling adleena abt tat , 
but i dont want to tell , cause i dont want her to get involve in this matter (soriie adleena )

;;Character Edu;;
CE tak yarh criter , those who knows , (i give up , doesnt mean my name is thr on the table , i write 
bersbr byk byk aje , thxn for telling my name if euu all wanna to tell. ) 
and after school , i didnt walk wiif my bestfriend , lynda , cause i get mad to them who accused me writing or can i say , VANDALISM the table behind me . 
;;To;; Lynda  , soriie didnt walk wiif euu ,  

Tats all the criter , hope enjoy iit !

can i Forget euu Bby ?


Saturday, May 22, 2010

hello ; safuraa want to Update Last Friday - skrg punyaa criter ,,


on Friday , mcm biaseerh pergy JWSC wiff Noi , Sasao , myself and tat day ,
Aton ikooot ,
Haiishh , before goiing to JWSC  , during mother tongue lessons , i ask Jaz weather he wanna
go to swimming wiiff dinie and all of us ,
Lastly , diniie and Jaz confirm they wanna goo ,
okeaa , i tell lynda tat they go , i was liike YAY ! (tat timee uhgs)
paper jaz and dinie meet at JWSC sanee , i was okea .
denden , we go JWSC after follow sasao alekk ,
Noi , sasao , myself and Aton was happy , especially aton was first time swm dgn kyter ,
i also likee YAY !
after tat , we put our bags and we went to the POOOL !
FUH ! geyrek pe ! i was the first one who went inside , denden Aton , den sasao and Noi ,
i Dive first ..
When was abt 3+ skali Noi jerit kat POOL besar jerit (JAZ )! i turn and ask where ?!
denden she said , Thr !! thr !!  i was liikee mane xiak ? denden spot diyee , tgh cari kyter ,
denden Noi and Lynda pergy lazy pool dulu , safuraa follow me jengok Jaz ,
i was happy he was here , but DINIE [PAITOW] ! eiishh !! geram ajerk tuu laki , tkpetkpe , sabar
denden , sasao and Noi naik jap mkn , darh mkn kyter turun POOL ,
Dlm POOL tuu , lastly kyter main tarik-tarik kaki ,
kyter semua [HAPPY & KETAWE] ,,
den its 4.30 + !!! woahh kelam kabut doorkk ! cpt cpt pi TOILET tukar ! and get out of the toilet
nmpak bag tak ade org jage ,
At last Jaz dtg safuraa mrh diyee ... he said i was coming out of toilet alreadi and he went to toilet ,,
(Paiseyhseyh) ;D
denden , we went home separately , Jaz went other way ,
myself , Aton , Sasao and Noi went the same road but different directions .
Sasao pergy jumpe kwn diyee , Aton and Noi balek naik bus 241 , i was sitting and standing waiting
for 243 bus , lastly balek , happy geyler ;D


Yesterday ade Madrasah Exam , (dgr dgr Exam boleyh discuss xiak ? ) aiyaa  -.-
i was liike cant concentrade on my paper , diyeorg buat bising , and ade plak mintak answer ,
safuraa aper lagyk , kasi answer -.-
denden , sebelum exam , ade org msg , he said "S" and he was angry wiif me , i was liike huh ? okea i gt explain all this , i ask him to cl me , and he did , i was likee , crying crying , i know my mistake
but someone buat criter , okea , tkpe , safuraa mintk maaf kat diyee , and i cant even CONCENTRADE taking my EXAM , my exam paper wet becoz cover wiff all my tears ..
D; thnx to the MAKERSTORIE D;

take caree ! bubye ! (:

can i Foget euu Baby ?


wanna know me? then read.

Name▪ Lailatul Munawara Hamzah ♥
Age ▪ Sweet 16 years old ♥
Statue ▪ - ♥
Name Giliran ▪ Wara & Laila ♥
Currently studying ▪ PioneerSecondaySchool[wish to change school]

I'm the girl that have been Hurt by her Exboifie since 5 April 2010. Now still a Heartbroken person & i'll try to forget Him. Because he has My Replacement.
- I want something that can make me HAPPY
- I Have LOST hope for Him.
- Lastly jusst Sadd becozz oh Him
Music ::
Choose Your Sonqq `ihave10sonqqinn^^Choose Your Sonqq `ihave10sonqqinn^^Choose Your Sonqq `ihave10sonqqinn^^Choose Your Sonqq `ihave10sonqqinn^^Choose Your Sonqq `ihave10sonqqinn^^Choose Your Sonqq `ihave10sonqqinn^^

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


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